5000~10000元/月 / 高中-高中雙語 / 上海 - 全部 / 經(jīng)驗不限 / 本科學歷 / 若干人 / 性別不限
- 2021-07-28 10:09
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****d on the teaching plan and the requirements of Edexcel Examination Center of teaching work, timely completion of the task of teaching program of ALEVEL international curriculum 根據(jù)教學計劃承擔英國愛德思考試中心ALEVEL國際課程的學科教學工作,按時完成教學任務
Arranged, correcting homework, finished the mid-term and terminal studying report , for unit test and record good test scores認真布置、批改作業(yè),填寫期中、期末學習報告單,進行單元測驗并記錄好測驗成績
Actively participate in school’s activities include research, training, seminars and others積極參與學校組織的教研,培訓,講座等活動,完成教研任務
Including preparation, classes, correcting homework, self-study guide, also can do students-counseling包括備課、上課、批改作業(yè)、指導自習,有針對性對學生進行輔導,及時答疑解惑等
Observe teachers' ethics code of conduct遵守教師師德行為規(guī)范,遵守教師課堂行為規(guī)范,不做與教師職業(yè)不相符的事
Training and training of new teachers' work and obligations接受培訓和培訓新教師的工作和義務
Cooperate with other departments to complete work完成與其他部門配合的工作
Complete temporary work assigned by the leadership完成領導交辦的臨時性工作
Job Specification and requirement任職要求:
Excellent written and spoken English, fluent oral English speaking is preferred 英語讀寫能力優(yōu)秀,口語語音標準者
Science and engineering、accounting related major is preferred 理工科相關專業(yè)者
Has A-Level teaching experience or related experience is preferred 擁有A-Level教學經(jīng)驗或相關經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先
Outstanding graduates also acceptable 優(yōu)秀應屆生也可接受
Overseas experience and overseas students are preferred 具有海外留學經(jīng)歷者優(yōu)先
****d on the teaching plan and the requirements of Edexcel Examination Center of teaching work, timely completion of the task of teaching program of ALEVEL international curriculum 根據(jù)教學計劃承擔英國愛德思考試中心ALEVEL國際課程的學科教學工作,按時完成教學任務
Arranged, correcting homework, finished the mid-term and terminal studying report , for unit test and record good test scores認真布置、批改作業(yè),填寫期中、期末學習報告單,進行單元測驗并記錄好測驗成績
Actively participate in school’s activities include research, training, seminars and others積極參與學校組織的教研,培訓,講座等活動,完成教研任務
Including preparation, classes, correcting homework, self-study guide, also can do students-counseling包括備課、上課、批改作業(yè)、指導自習,有針對性對學生進行輔導,及時答疑解惑等
Observe teachers' ethics code of conduct遵守教師師德行為規(guī)范,遵守教師課堂行為規(guī)范,不做與教師職業(yè)不相符的事
Training and training of new teachers' work and obligations接受培訓和培訓新教師的工作和義務
Cooperate with other departments to complete work完成與其他部門配合的工作
Complete temporary work assigned by the leadership完成領導交辦的臨時性工作
Job Specification and requirement任職要求:
Excellent written and spoken English, fluent oral English speaking is preferred 英語讀寫能力優(yōu)秀,口語語音標準者
Science and engineering、accounting related major is preferred 理工科相關專業(yè)者
Has A-Level teaching experience or related experience is preferred 擁有A-Level教學經(jīng)驗或相關經(jīng)驗者優(yōu)先
Outstanding graduates also acceptable 優(yōu)秀應屆生也可接受
Overseas experience and overseas students are preferred 具有海外留學經(jīng)歷者優(yōu)先
上海嘉定區(qū)民辦華盛懷少學校 2023-06-27
上海嘉定區(qū)民辦華盛懷少學校 2023-06-27
上海嘉定區(qū)民辦華盛懷少學校 2023-06-27
3000~5000元/月 地區(qū):廣東/深圳 學歷要求:本科 2021-07-28 -
5000~10000元/月 地區(qū):廣東/全部 學歷要求:本科 2021-07-28